Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Age before Beauty

Mirrors don't lie. I had gone to Walmart to make a few purchases. I bought a mirror. I took it out to see myself in the car. I was going to put on some moisturizer to make me look younger so the product said it would. I was terrified that I looked like an old person. I got depressed the rest of the day. I did not realize how much I had aged. When did all this happen. I was so wrecked. I can remember being 20 something. Here I was judging people I knew were my age and not wanting to think that I was looking old myself. It sometimes seems that I am not aging. I don't feel my age at all. My neck the turkey waddle. I was like how could this happen. I wore a lot of neck ties, maybe that did it. I used to sun bathe a lot without much protection. I went to hippy hollow or Lake Travis in Austin, What a fun place that was. It is the only lake in Texas you can sunbathe nude, Not that I did. And you could even get high no problem. Those were the days. Anyway back to me.

I don't even like to imagine dying. I feel like are we really going to die. It just does not make sense. I know we have to . I have attended funerals. I know people that are dead. I not done with this post,. I don't even get in the mood. I don't have sex anymore. What a drag it is getting old.
How am I supposed to age gracefully, when I don't even think that I am not old. How can I find a lover, when youth is the first thing we really look at. I also live in South Texas how find you my lover when there is slim pic kens here. Where gay is not okay but a joke. I listed myself on My space, and not yet on Face book. I don't know what I am doing wrong but i am trying, maybe its too late.

Now I spend most of the time at the cosmetic counter looking for something that will reverse the aging process but I think maybe this cream or that one. Will it really work or not. But being the way money is now I have to take into consideration can I afford it. I have no hair or just say it your bald. I not really that overweight at all. Look okay for my age or is that my ego just talking. I am trying to convince myself that I am not that old,, Okay I am 57 yrs old I will 58 next month in March.